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Budget-Friendly Professional Development for Educators

Build Your Toolkit This Summer with Professional Development Resources As teachers are packing up their classrooms to start enjoying the summer months, flexibility and accessibility are key to professional development. We at EdQuiddity are educators, designing for educators. With that in mind, we have carefully crafted online, on-demand Professional Learning Experiences (PLEs) that cover all…

Unlocking Exceptional Professional Development for Educators

Professional Development

In-Depth Professional Development Finding high-quality professional development that truly meets the needs of educators can be a significant challenge. At EdQuiddity, we as educators have stepped up to this challenge and are providing accessible professional learning opportunities with ready-to-implement structures and strategies to address any instructional need. Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all PD and discover how…

Affordable Strategies to Enhance Support for English Language Learners

English Language Learners

Budget-Saving Professional Development The COVID-19 pandemic has placed unprecedented financial strain on educational institutions, leaving schools grappling with limited funds. Amidst these budgetary constraints, the need for continuous professional development (PD) for teachers remains crucial. High-quality PD equips educators with the skills and knowledge necessary to address evolving classroom challenges. Therefore, finding cost-effective ways to…

Executive Function: The Pathway to Student Achievement

executive function

Developing Executive Function in Classrooms As Dr. Nancy Sulla states, “imagine if you could flip a switch for students and have them experience academic success, emotional wellness, strong social interactions, and solid behavioral habits. Sounds like an educator’s dream come true! Well, it’s not that far-fetched.” That powerful light switch is executive function. It is…