Supporting English Language Learners
Catering to All: Embracing Individuality with Differentiated Instruction
Differentiated Instruction Is For Everyone In schools across the nation, the one-size-fits-all approach has long been recognized as inadequate in meeting the diverse needs of learners. Students come to the classroom with varying backgrounds, abilities, and learning styles, making it essential for educators to adopt strategies that cater to individual differences. The pedagogical approach of…
Unlocking the Potential of Teachers with Purposeful Professional Development
Navigating the Educational Maze Teachers today find themselves navigating a complex maze of challenges within the classroom. From addressing diverse learning styles and fostering parent involvement to seamlessly integrating technology and combating burnout, the modern educator juggles a myriad of responsibilities. As the demands on teachers grow, so does the urgency for schools to recognize…
The Power of Prioritizing Student Choice in the Classroom
The Global Focus on Student Agency Schools are not the only entities considering the power of student agency. The Organization for Cooperation and Economic Development (OECD), representing 38 countries, has an initiative in place for the purpose of building student agency across cultures. Implementing student choice promotes engagement and ownership within the classroom, and has…
Boosting Student Engagement In Schools with Executive Function
The Dilemma of Low Student Engagement Classrooms have changed immensely over the past few years, from curricular needs, to social and emotional development, to state mandates. A pressing concern looms over classrooms worldwide: the disengagement of students. The correlation between lack of student engagement and low academic achievement has become a prevalent issue, challenging educators…