Fostering Holistic Development

As educators scan across their classrooms, the seats are full of diverse students with varying needs. In a world where standardized testing often takes precedence, the importance of personalized, intentional learning can sometimes be overshadowed. Empowering educators to take on the approach of teaching to the whole child is beneficial for fostering holistic development and maximizing student achievement, helping students reach their full potential. We at EdQuiddity believe in creating transformative opportunities in schools to equip teachers with innovative tools and strategies to foster holistic development within classrooms.

teach to the whole child

Teach to the Whole Child

Teaching to the whole child goes beyond academic instruction; it encompasses nurturing every aspect of a student’s being — physical, emotional, social, and cognitive development. It acknowledges that each child is unique, with varying strengths, interests, and learning styles. Embracing this approach means recognizing that education is not solely about transmitting knowledge, but also about fostering curiosity, creativity, critical thinking, and emotional well-being. This approach allows teachers to help create and implement a welcoming and affirming learning environment.

In practice, teaching to the whole child involves designing curriculum and instructional methods that cater to diverse learners. It means creating a supportive classroom environment where students feel safe to express themselves, make choices, take risks, and learn from mistakes. It also entails fostering positive relationships between students and educators, as well as promoting collaboration and empathy among peers. By addressing students’ academic, social, and emotional needs in tandem, educators can cultivate well-rounded individuals who are better equipped to navigate the complexities of the world beyond the classroom.

teach to the whole child

Partnering for Transformative Experiences

Our Professional Learning Experience (PLE) Strategies for Maximizing Student Achievement offers comprehensive professional development and resources designed to empower educators and enhance their instructional practices. Our PLEs equip educators with on-demand tools to create engaging and inclusive learning environments. Educators learn about executive function and SEL, instructional equity, student agency, classroom management, and so much more. Each module provides ready-to-use resources such as kid cards, task persistence cards, and student surveys that teachers can use within their classrooms to help them teach with a view to all aspects of a child’s development. Check out a preview of the task persistence cards below. Contact us here if you want full access to this great tool. By partnering with EdQuiddity, schools can embark on a transformative journey toward maximizing student achievement and fostering holistic development.

teach to the whole child

Ready to Maximize Student Achievement?

Are you ready to empower your educators and transform your classrooms? Contact us today to enroll your district and whole staff in our Professional Learning Experience: Strategies for Maximizing Student Achievement. Together, let’s embark on a journey toward creating enriching educational experiences that nurture the whole child and unlock students’ full potential. Reach out to us now to learn more about how we can support your school’s mission and vision for student success.

teach to the whole child