In the ever-evolving landscape of education, the classroom dynamic is continuously changing, notably with the increasing presence of English Language Learners (ELLs). According to the National Education Association, “By 2025, 1 out of 4 children in classrooms across the nation will be English Language Learners.” This shift presents educators with a unique challenge: How do you create an environment that supports ELLs’ needs and maintains an effective learning atmosphere for all? Here’s what you need to know about ELL support.

Understanding and adapting to the changing demographics is essential in crafting an inclusive, engaging, and educationally rich classroom for every student. We partner with schools to help them meet the needs of their teachers and students. Of the many professional learning experiences we offer, one in particular focuses on Strategies for Supporting ELLs.

Beyond Subjects: The 7 Essential Elements of ELL Support

Supporting your ELLs extends beyond subject-specific strategies. It encompasses creating an overall inclusive environment that addresses various aspects of learning. Our company works with schools to foster the 7 Essential Elements for ELL Support. These include:

  1. Physical Space: Designing a welcoming and supporting classroom that reflects various cultures
  2. Scaffolding: Providing step-by-step learning aids to gradually build and support your students’ understanding
  3. Resources: Equipping your students with helpful tools by utilizing multilingual and culturally diverse materials
  4. Explicit Language Instruction: Integrating direct instruction in English language acquisition within all subjects
  5. Facilitation: Employing teaching strategies that cater to different learning styles
  6. Emotional Wellness: Fostering a supportive atmosphere that addresses the emotional needs of ELL through your actions and words so that students build confidence and resilience 
  7. Social Engagement: Encouraging interactions among all students to foster a sense of community and belonging; language acquisition is made easier when you’re immersed in a situation where the new language is spoken by peers 

These elements are crucial for helping your ELLs academically and integrating them socially and emotionally into your classroom community. Our Professional Learning Experience (PLE) dives deeper into each of these essential elements and equips you with on-demand strategies that can be implemented in real-time to support your ELLs. 

ELL Support in Reading - school aged kids reading on tablets and computers.

ELL Support in Reading: Bridging the Language Gap

Reading is a vital skill that extends beyond the mere decoding of words on a page. It’s about comprehension, context, and connecting with the material. Explicit vocabulary instruction plays a vital role in reading instruction, but the challenge is particularly significant for your English language learners (ELLs). They are tasked with learning to read in an unfamiliar language while also trying to relate and engage with the content in a meaningful way. 

Our Professional Learning Experience (PLE) on Strategies for Supporting ELLs offers techniques that can foster ELL support in your reading instruction. Here are some effective strategies you can employ, incorporating the 7 Essential Elements of ELL Support:

  • Use of Bilingual Books for ELL Support (Resources & Explicit Language Instruction): Integrating bilingual books into your curriculum can significantly aid your ELLs. These books provide content in your students’ native language and in English, allowing them to draw parallels and enhance their understanding. This dual-language approach also helps explicitly teach new vocabulary and language structures.

  • Incorporating Visual Aids (Scaffolding & Resources): Visual aids such as diagrams, charts, and pictorial representations can make abstract concepts more tangible. These tools provide contextual clues that help your ELLs comprehend and retain information more effectively, serving as scaffolding to support their learning journey.

  • Encouraging Peer Reading Sessions (Social Engagement & Facilitation): Organizing peer reading groups promotes a collaborative learning environment, allowing your ELLs to practice reading in a low-stress setting and facilitating language learning through social interaction. It is important to consider mixed groupings of students, so that your ELLs receive the opportunity to engage with native English speakers as much as possible. This approach also encourages peer support and builds a community of learners who help one another grow.

  • Interactive Activities such as Role-playing for ELL Support (Emotional Wellness & Social Engagement): Role-playing and dramatizing stories or texts can make learning more dynamic and less intimidating. These practices allow your ELLs to express themselves creatively, enhancing their emotional wellness. Engaging in these activities with their peers also fosters social interaction and integration.

  • Creating Storyboards (Facilitation & Physical Space): Having your students create storyboards for stories or chapters they read is an excellent way to engage them actively in the reading process. The products of this activity can be displayed in the classroom, contributing to a learning environment rich in student-generated content. This type of practice allows your ELLs to visualize narratives and sequence events, aiding comprehension and retention.

  • Customized Reading Lists (Scaffolding & Resources): Providing your ELLs with tailored reading lists that match their language proficiency level and interests can significantly boost their reading engagement. These lists can include a mix of genres and formats, from graphic novels to short stories, catering to diverse tastes and reading levels.

  • Language Games and Apps for ELL Support (Facilitation & Technology Integration): Utilizing educational technology such as language learning apps and interactive games can make learning to read in English more enjoyable and effective for your ELLs. These tools often combine visual and auditory learning, making them an excellent resource for language acquisition.

These are just a sampling of the tools you’ll find available in our Professional Learning Experience. By weaving these strategies into reading instruction, you can create a supportive, inclusive, and engaging learning environment for your ELLs. It’s not just about teaching them to read in English; it’s about empowering them to connect with and appreciate the power of language and literature. To explore additional strategies for supporting your ELLs in reading, learn more about our Professional Learning Experience (PLE). 

ELL Support - Diverse school aged kids solving math problems in a note book

Enhancing Math Skills for ELLs: Language Beyond Numbers

Mathematics is commonly seen as a universal language, but for English language learners (ELLs), the linguistic aspects of math can create substantial barriers. From understanding problem statements to grasping the language-dependent nuances of mathematical reasoning, your ELLs face unique challenges. Our PLE on Strategies for Supporting ELLs equips you with on-demand tools to support math instruction To effectively support these learners in mathematics, you can implement various strategies that align with the 7 Essential Elements of ELL Support such as these:

  • Use of Visual Representations (Scaffolding & Resources): Visual aids such as graphs, charts, and diagrams can demystify complex mathematical concepts. These tools serve as scaffolding, helping your ELLs visually grasp what they may struggle to understand linguistically. This approach provides tangible resources that aid in comprehension. 

  • Manipulatives for Hands-on Learning (Physical Space & Scaffolding): Incorporating physical manipulatives such as blocks, shapes, and measurement tools can make learning math more interactive and concrete. This approach transforms your classroom into a dynamic learning space and provides a physical way for students to explore mathematical ideas, aiding in deeper understanding.

  • Real-Life Examples and Applications for ELL Support (Facilitation & Explicit Language Instruction): Connecting math problems to real-world scenarios can greatly enhance understanding and relevance for your ELLs. By using examples from everyday life, you can facilitate learning and simultaneously teach the specific language of mathematics, making abstract concepts more relatable and understandable. Our sister company, IDE Corp., partners with schools on curriculum development. We collaborate with schools on planning, creating, and implementing real-world Authentic Learning Units

  • Collaborative Group Work (Social Engagement & Facilitation): Encouraging your ELLs to work in groups provides opportunities for peer learning and language practice. Discussions in their native language and in English can enhance mathematical understanding and linguistic skills. A collaborative environment fosters social engagement and allows for shared problem-solving experiences.

  • Language Simplification in Math Problems for ELL Support (Explicit Language Instruction & Resources): Simplifying the language used in math problems without reducing the complexity of the mathematical concepts is crucial. This approach ensures that your ELLs are not hindered by linguistic barriers when solving problems and allows them to focus on mathematical reasoning.

  • Integrating Math Vocabulary Lessons (Explicit Language Instruction & Scaffolding): Teaching specific math vocabulary and phrases can be immensely helpful. This includes teaching mathematical terms and language structures common in math problems, and assisting your ELLs in better understanding and responding to math challenges.

  • Technology-Aided Learning (Facilitation & Technology Integration): Utilizing educational technology tools, such as math-based apps or online platforms, can provide additional support. These tools often offer visual and interactive ways to explore mathematical concepts, which can benefit your ELLs.

By embedding these strategies, and the many others provided in our Professional Learning Experience, into your math instruction, you can create a more inclusive and supportive learning environment for your ELLs. It’s about transcending the traditional boundaries of language in mathematics and opening a world where numbers and calculations become accessible and engaging to all your learners, regardless of their language proficiency. To learn more ways to support ELLs in math, be sure to check out our PLE on Strategies for Supporting ELLs. 

ELL Support for Social Studies - School aged kids looking at a globe.

Social Studies for ELLs: Exploring the World Through Diverse Lenses

Social studies, with its expansive scope covering history, geography, and culture, provides a unique opportunity for your English language learners (ELLs) to bridge their personal experiences with broader global concepts. This subject can be a gateway for your ELLs to explore and understand the world’s diversity while connecting it to their lives. To make social studies more accessible and engaging for your students, you can implement strategies that align with our 7 Essential Elements of ELL Support. These are just a sampling of the tools available. More information to support your social studies instruction can be found in our Professional Learning Experience (PLE): 

  • Building Background Knowledge (Scaffolding & Explicit Language Instruction): Establishing a foundation of background knowledge is essential for your ELLs. This can be done through pre-teaching key concepts and vocabulary, using simplified language to introduce new topics, and connecting these topics to students’ existing knowledge and experiences. This approach helps scaffold their learning and provides a linguistic framework for new content.

  • Using Multimedia Resources (Resources & Facilitation): Incorporating diverse multimedia resources such as videos, podcasts, and interactive websites can cater to various learning styles. These resources make the content more dynamic and can help clarify complex social studies concepts, making them more accessible to your ELLs.

  • Encouraging Cross-Cultural Discussions (Social Engagement & Emotional Wellness): Facilitating discussions that allow your students to draw parallels between their cultures and the study material fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation of diversity. This enhances social engagement and supports your ELLs’ emotional wellness by validating their backgrounds and experiences.

  • Interactive Projects (Facilitation & Physical Space): Engaging your ELLs in interactive projects such as creating family trees or mapping ancestral origins allows them to participate and apply their learning actively. These kinds of projects can transform the classroom’s physical space into a vibrant learning environment, showcasing the diverse cultural heritage of the students.

  • Role-playing and Simulations (Emotional Wellness & Social Engagement): Activities such as role-playing historical events or participating in simulations can make social studies more engaging. These activities allow your ELLs to immerse themselves in different perspectives and scenarios, promoting empathy and a deeper emotional connection to the subject.

  • Field Trips and Real-World Exploration (Physical Space & Resources): Organizing field trips to museums, historical sites, or cultural events can provide your ELLs with real-world connections to the social studies curriculum. Experiencing these places first-hand can make learning more tangible and memorable.

  • Collaborative Learning (Social Engagement & Facilitation): Group projects and collaborative learning activities encourage your ELLs to collaborate, share insights, and learn from one another. This not only helps in understanding social studies content but also fosters language development through peer interaction.

By integrating these strategies into your social studies curriculum, you can create an inclusive and supportive environment that recognizes and celebrates the diverse backgrounds of your ELLs. It’s about more than teaching history, geography, and culture; it’s about helping your ELLs see themselves as a part of the world they are studying, enhancing their sense of belonging and engagement in the learning process.

Join the Journey Toward Excellence in ELL Education & ELL Support

To delve deeper into these strategies and discover more about creating an inclusive and effective learning environment for your ELLs, we invite you to explore our comprehensive online, on-demand Professional Learning Experience.

Visit EdQuiddity’s Professional Learning Platform for an enriching journey toward mastering the art of supporting ELLs. Join us in shaping a future where every student, regardless of language background, has access to high-quality education and the opportunity to thrive.