September 9, 2024 – October 21, 2024 all-day
Gina Vodola
(201) 934-5005

Creating a learner-centered classroom requires teachers to design opportunities for students to actively engage in their learning and maximize their potential. Designing differentiated learning activities, facilitating those learning activities with meaningful questioning, using a variety of formative assessment strategies and student reflections, and leveraging strategies to build students’ executive function skills all lead to putting students at the center of their educational process. Craft a plan for positioning your students to be active participants in the learning process as you design a classroom learning environment that engages and empowers students, building a greater sense of efficacy for them and for you as their teacher.


  1. Exploring opportunities to know and understand your students
  2. Designing differentiated learning activities for engaging different types of learners
  3. Developing meaningful questions to promote learning through teacher facilitation
  4. Designing formative assessments for teacher use and for student self-assessment
  5. Exploring basic strategies for building executive function in your students

Participants in this course will use Dr. Nancy Sulla’s book It’s Not What You Teach But How as a resource. The assigned book must be purchased in advance. Access to MyQPortal is included for all participants while enrolled in the VLC.