The Role of Differentiation in Effective Tier 1 Instruction 

Tier 1 instruction is the foundation of effective teaching, encompassing high-quality, evidence-based instruction provided to all students in a general education setting. A critical component of Tier 1 instruction is differentiation, which involves tailoring teaching methods and materials to meet the diverse needs of every student, from advanced learners to those requiring additional support. In today’s classrooms, educators face the challenge of delivering differentiated instruction to ensure that all students can access and engage with the core curriculum. As we prepare for the 2024–2025 school year, bridging this gap with comprehensive professional development is paramount. At EdQuiddity, we offer tailored solutions specifically designed to support teachers in meeting the needs of diverse learners. This summer, let’s empower educators with the skills and confidence they need to foster an inclusive and engaging learning environment.

Tier 1 Support

An Online Resource for All Staff 

The advantages of Tier 1 support and differentiated instruction are evident, although effective implementation demands proper support and training for educators. By equipping educators with the necessary tools and resources, schools can set up teachers for success to effectively address the needs of every student. Recognizing this increasing demand for professional development in differentiated instruction, EdQuiddity offers our Professional Learning Experience (PLE) Fostering Student Agency Through Differentiated Activity Lists. This PLE provides practical strategies for Tier 1 support, ensuring that educators can meet each learner’s needs. With 25 hours of online, on-demand content, this flexible learning experience enables educators to create classroom structures that empower students in their learning journey. Participants will learn to create and implement differentiated activity lists, tailoring tasks to diverse learning styles and abilities, thereby enhancing student agency and ensuring appropriate challenges and support for all students.

Tier 1 Support

An Online Course for Teachers 

Join our Virtual Learning Community this summer from August 5th to August 26th for an immersive experience in designing differentiated activity lists aimed at strengthening Tier 1 support. This flexible, 25-hour online course is facilitated by one of our experienced consultants, ensuring personalized support and guidance. Through collaborative discussions, practical exercises, and continuous feedback, participants will refine their skills and develop actionable plans to implement differentiated instruction in their classrooms. This community offers a supportive environment where educators can share insights, seek advice, and build lasting professional networks. Whether you are a seasoned educator or just starting your journey, our VLCs provide a unique opportunity to enhance your understanding of differentiation and take your teaching to new levels.

Tier 1 Support

Provide Your Staff with Access to Online Learning Opportunities

Don’t miss the opportunity to prepare your educators for the upcoming school year with our targeted professional development offerings. Contact us today to enroll your whole staff and district in one of our online options. 

  • Enroll in the Fostering Student Agency Through Differentiated Activity Lists professional learning experience for $99 when purchased for an entire school or district. Create a culture of professional learning with your entire staff to support them with resources and strategies for effective Tier 1 support and differentiated instruction. 
  • Purchase seats for individual teachers in our Virtual Learning Community with a 10-pack of seats for only $4,950. Equip your teachers with the tools and strategies they need to make a lasting impact in their classrooms.

 Let’s work together to ensure that every student receives the personalized support they deserve.