In-Depth Professional Development

Finding high-quality professional development that truly meets the needs of educators can be a significant challenge. At EdQuiddity, we as educators have stepped up to this challenge and are providing accessible professional learning opportunities with ready-to-implement structures and strategies to address any instructional need. Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all PD and discover how our offerings can transform your professional growth journey.

Professional Development

Leverage Our Comprehensive Online Resource 

Picture this: A teacher is on his/her prep period and needs an idea for a discussion protocol. Or after a meeting, the team decides that they want to work on fostering executive function within their instruction for their grade level. Our Professional Learning Experiences (PLEs) support those needs, plus so much more! This resource is meticulously designed to provide 25 hours of robust professional development, accessible anytime, anywhere. Our PLEs cover a wide range of critical topics, ensuring that every educator finds valuable, applicable knowledge to enhance their teaching practice. Delve into essential areas such as executive function, differentiation, equity, supporting English Language Learners (ELLs), Project-Based Learning (PBL), and strategies for maximizing student achievement. Each PLE is designed to provide actionable insights and practical structures, empowering educators to implement what they learn directly into their classrooms.

Professional Development

Join Our Year-Round Virtual Learning Communities

Beyond our comprehensive PLEs, EdQuiddity also offers Virtual Learning Communities (VLCs)  that operate all year-round. These communities provide a flexible learning environment where individual educators can join and engage in convenient courses based on their schedules. There is a variety of offerings scheduled at different times in the year. Each VLC is facilitated by an experienced educational consultant who offers ongoing, flexible support and constructive feedback. This dynamic, collaborative space allows educators to share experiences, gain new perspectives, and continuously refine their skills. Our Virtual Learning Communities are more than just a support system; they are a catalyst for sustained professional growth and innovation in education.

professional development

Contact Us Today for Purposeful Professional Development

As we enter the summer months, our online offerings provide flexible opportunities for professional development. This means teachers do not need to attend a full-day session, but rather can learn at their pace on their own schedule. Ready to create a culture of professional learning within your school or district? Contact us today to discover how EdQuiddity can provide solutions that meet the unique needs of your educators. Together, we can ensure that every teacher has access to the high-quality, impactful professional learning they deserve. Reach out now to embark on a journey of growth and excellence with EdQuiddity.